Friday, June 4, 2010


Four babies, all over the world, all raised differently: Namibia, Japan, Mongolia and San Francisco. All very different place with different technique of raising children. There is No one-way of raising a children that is better than the other in my opinion. I felt like these families used the resources they had provided around them. In the end all the babies learned generally the same things, just in different ways. Like learning how to crawl then walk and then run.

In all four places around the world there were many important people raising the babies. The families in Namibia and Mongolia both had other child in the picture. Many other children, so they were all able to learn from each other. They also lived in a more remote area that provided them with less resources compared to the resources in cities. The families living in the cities of San Francisco and Japan were provided with technologic advances. Both parents, without any other children or experience. But to make up for that they took their babies to "learning classes." This allowed their children to experience and learn from other babies. Both methods teach the children how to be social and interact with other people. it seems to me the babies growing up in the cities are taught in these classes, with guidance every step of the way. Whereas in the more remote places, the babies grow up with more independence where they are forced to adapt and learn from experience. Although all four babies did well to learn and adapt according to the world around them.