Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So I can think of many examples of how this whole idea of cool fits with the roles we play, the roles we are expected to play. this whole idea of our cultural maps. We tend to follow in other peoples footsteps, not necessarily always doing it exactly. I do not think we ever stray to far from the map our family has made. I am not quite sure what to make of this whole idea. Im still waiting for it to sink in. after what we talked about in class i start thinking. one thing led to another, and i came up with some ideas. That may be very far fetch, but here we go:
I am not someone who listens to alot of rap. Every now and then i will listen to the occasional song. Rappers all have qualities in common. one main thing i noticed is that the majority of them are black. off the top of my head i can only name one white famous rapper, Eminem. Relating back to our unit of cool, other weird idea i thought about is that they rarely ever use their real names. instead they come up with "cool" names like 50 cent, is that how much your worth? or another name like fat joe. i do not know the significance of that, call me crazy but i would not like being known to people as fat joe. then again i would defiantly never become a rapper.
When i was little i remember when the holiday season rolled around we would always go see santa claus. it was a big event, one i always looked forward too. days before all i would think about was what i wanted to tell santa. it was our turn, my sister and i ran into the room. all my excitement turned to confusion when i saw the black santa claus. i did not ask questions, i was speechless. and i think about what it is like for a black children to only see white santa clauses? is it as weird for them as it was for me?

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