I. I thought of a certain friend when we were assigned this work. She usually has strong opinions and alot of interesting things to say. It is to bad she does not live close enough to ask her myself, but I decided to shoot her an email. She thinks of school as an opportunity to discover strengths, weaknesses, interests, hobbies and sees it as a "Perfect example of a smaller microcosm of the real world." I asked a couple questions having to do with why its so important for people to fit in, have a good social status and be cool, "The fundamental need of every human being to be understood and accepted. That's why it is very important to have friends and find out what your interests are, then you can collaborate with people and share ideas."
II. One person I asked was my sister. This is her first year of high school and so far she is not enjoying it. Unlike most, her middle school years were her favorite. "Its like The work, my friends, grades everything is just all so much harder."During this chit chat we had i notciced her rolling her eyes alot, getting frustracted just thinking and talking abut school. Often times she would start talking so fast and furiously I could not understand what she was trying to say. We talked about social status and how important it is to fit in, "Everyone wants to feel good about themselves, and having people like you does just that and thats why everyone tries so hard"
III. A guy with glasses and serious jelled hair
This guy looked like he would be categorized in any group, which is the reason i thought he might be an interesting person to talk to. As a senior in high school he is just trying to take school one day at a tie and get through it. The main motivations for going to school are to see friends and go to college. he stopped me and continued to that a pro to school is getting connections and getting to know people. Although he said a con to school is "Having to see the same annoying people everyday, it just becomes harder to ignore them." I did not feel right to say what school he was going to, just because he did not mention it. Concerning his educated he replied, "Im not getting the best education I could be... but Im satisfied."
B. I interviewed alot of people. At first I found none of anything anyone said helpful in the less bit. So i thought and i changed some of my questions. I asked some of the original people and some new people too, after that I got much better results. but i am working on getting more answers too. From all the people i have talked to i wonder what it is like for people who do not go to school, or who are home schooled, what is her experience like? Do we take school for granted sometimes? and why are we in school for 8 hours day 5 days a week? these are just some questions that were on my mind after my interveiws, questions i intend to answer some how.
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