What I don’t understand is why most people don’t care until it has happened to them. Why does it take something bad to happen to someone in order for a person to take action? This performance showed different perspectives and situations of domestic violence cases. It showed everyone can find a way to relate his or her life to the issue of domestic violence. Weather they suffer from it themselves, or they have seen it happen or know a friend who is involved. It happens. And it happens to often.
The performance showed that domestic violence could be formed through many different circumstances. like longtime commitment with a boyfriend, or pure pressure from friends. Various times we allow domestic violence will out even really knowing it. Formed simply through peer pressure or acts of rebellion.
Being men or women, teenagers or adults. Studies show that dating violence between men and women are about the same. Men are abused just as much as women are. This studies only goes to show the cases of domestic violence that was reported. And thinking about all the unreported cases, who really knows for sure. studies say that Ever 1 out of 10 teens experience physical violence during a dating relationship.
But why stay quiet about it? Then again why bother telling? People stay in abusive relationships for a number of different reasons. Most of the time they are scared what could happen if they leave. Often times the person does not realize they are in a abusive relationship. They like having another person by their side because they themselves have a low self-confidence. In the story about the character Jana, she was in a abusive relationship. She convinced herself everything was fine, but It was not hard for her friend to notice that what was going on was not fine. He tried multiple times to get her attention and talk about the dangerous about what was going on. She did not want to hear it. Jana wanted to believe her boyfriend was there for her, so she told her friend things like “he didn’t mean it” or “that’s his way of showing he cares” or “he really does love me.” And that is no excuse.
Well… A man in a abusive relationship might just kept quiet. He might never want to admit a girl was beating on him. It would take away his image of being a “man” being tough, being dominate. So it seems easier to be a woman seeking help. And so the question came up: is it easier being a man or a woman? But Men and women both have stereotypes. There is a general idea of how they are supposed to be. In the story Stan the man he was peer pressure by his friends and took advantage of a girl. With all the stereotypes and pressures he felt the need to "get with the girl" you know "be the man." He did whatever it took. when the girl did not want to be sexually with him, well he persuaded and caught it all on film to show the rest of his friends. not cool. he did not think about the girls feelings. everyone else know it was wrong but NOONE said anything. well they were all apart of it too because they witnessed it. this type of situation seems relevant to teen today. it happens in similar cases all the time.
Have the time people are oblivious they probably do not even see the problem right in front of them. How can we get the word out and offer help?