I love my friends, I love my family. I love the sound of rain and ice cream. I love the color yellow and street fairs. I love summer vacation and flying on airplanes. But there is a difference between loving someone and loving something. And there is a difference between loving someone and being in love with them. A person can love something like their phone, because of what it does for them, but the phone will not love the person back. I love the sound of rain, or ice cream or summer because it makes me feel good.
A person can love a person as a friend, to be there for support. To remind us that we have some meaning being here and that we are not totally losers. Loving someone is not always easy. There is allot of risk involved. That’s why its so scary, and that’s why most of us hesitate. We do not want to put ourselves out to be hurt, or regretted. All we simply want to be complimented and loved. Once love has found us or vice a versa all we even wanna do to hold on to it. One of the greatest fears is losing love. So why do people get married? Well because they do not want to be alone. They would like to believe that getting married means they never have to be alone again. The Catholic Church a marriage is said to last only until death. In the mormon church a marriage lasts forever, or so they say. I mean hey it would be nice not to be alone forever, but I think that’s the way it is. Its every man, o no scratch that every person for them self.
O Love. Where does that word even come from? Its just all so complicated. Any type, all shapes and forms of Love are weird. Its trusting and loving someone and trusting that they love you back. It’s both terrifying and comforting. But because its all those things does that mean you shouldn’t ever try? Never Take the chance and go for it? Its like that saying “ it’s the things in life you don’t do that you regret” well I think we should, I think we have to try. Without any commitment you cant learn to care for another person other than yourself.
The thing is People need other people. We are drawn to each other. I would say maybe it is a part of it is our natural instinct. Because two people together rather than just one have an increased ability to survive. They are simply capable of more together. Imagine yourself on a desert island... fighting for food, building a shelter all things that would be easier with someone else. Not to mention the killer of isolation. We simply need other people. We need other people for a million and one reasons. But it would just be too hard to do it all by ourselves. We all depend on each other even in the simplest things. Today for instance I depend on the conductor of the train to be there so I could get to school. Once I got to school I depend on the teachers to show up. And the list comes on and on. I depend on people every day of my life, and some more than others. When they let you down, well it’s a bummer. And so it might make sense that the people you depend on the most let you down the most. But it is also the easiest to take any anger out on the person you love and depend on the most. Because you know that they will love you no matter what. An example: Well My sister and I have never had a fight that lasted more than a day. We fight about little things all the time; it is hard for us to ever agree on anything. Although we are found constantly fighting we always make up after wards. The reason being that after a while our angry fades and we simply forget why we were fighting in the first place. And it usually turns out to be nothing. We have been through so much together, been with each other for so long. Now I am used to her being around and it just wouldn't be the same without her. So as we have matured and come to terms with us it is always hard to stay mad each other. It seems as though after every fight we come to appreciate each other a little more. Its just how it is what can I say I love her.
Listen I’m no expert that’s for sure. These are just some ideas I have as in one big mess. My ideas to explain some of the crazy things in this world. And thinking about it again, I realize all the crazy things people do., and The crazy things that happen. And it makes me think why people do some of the crazy stuff they do? Most of the time people cant find a good reason to do something. They do not have a good idea to explain their actions. Who ones maybe we do something with no reason at all, but the is always the intention we have after. The intention of something else happening afterwards. This is where I believe that people all have multiple sides to them. When we face a decision that has to be made, and two ideas go through our head. Two conflicting ideas; 1. Part of you might want to be mean, to go one way just to make the other person feel bad, as a way of revenge. 2. The other side being "the right thing to do" and you should be nice and help out. Generally these go for most situations so there is no need for an example. But the points being that these two ideas are considered in our minds. It’s the angel sitting on one shoulder battling the devil on the other. No matter what the person chooses to do one side always goes unsatisfied. And then we ask ourselves the big question of, what if? What if I had done that? What if I had done this?
And, although, cliché' I believe I am a believer in "Cant live with em' cant live without em'"! (People I mean)
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