On this site you can look you information on any school. Along with facts and a calculated percent numbers this website is very informational. It comes with a review that deals with different aspects of the school. While including quotes of mothers and students that have been involved with the school.
Relating to my topic this website helps me get a feel for a school. It allows me to get different qualities of different schools. i have to say it is all pretty accurate, i thought after i looked up our school. i plan to include my personal experiences at Sof with the information i have found here.
II. http://lebanon.or.schoolwebpages.com/education/dept/dept.php?sectionid=26&PHPSESSID=baeeee6e55149447ddd520788c080519
This website describes a typical student life. it details what it is like to be a student. This article is very one sided and does not go much into depth. It talks about typical qualities students develop while in school and who they become after. It describes how students might adapt to different situations and how they interact with other students. It discusses the social system of diversity and status.
All of situations brought up in this article are practical. they are typical issues that i think most people can relate too.it is interesting hearing things from the people you don't know. i was able to pull out some good quotes to use in my paper :)
Sadker, David Miller, and Karen R. Zittleman. "High School's Adolescent Society." (2006): n. pag. Web. 24 Feb 2010. .
This website has some book suggestions that look like the y would be very helpful. A website created by two author that do a good job summing up the books. they take excerpt from the book and included some great sources. one resource said, "high school is closer to the core of the American experience than anything else I can think of." This is a helpful website for people who are interested in the social part of school.
I really like this site. it is really long and includes different books that all relate to my topic. in this article there are detailed descriptions of the books including information, quotes etc. i think there are definatly some good stuff here that i can use for my project.
"Yahoo answers." High school experiences?. Web. 1 Mar 2010.
Here people ask a question and anyone can respond to it. it is interesting the way everyone adds on their first hand experiences. Some people have more to say than other but they are all really helpful and kind of work out each other. i like how they are true personal stories.
This might not be a site that is legit as some of the others but it has good information that i am going to include in my research. most of the things written here i can relate too as well.
Peavy, Shannon . "My High School Experience Is a Total Hell: A teen tells about battling anti-gay prejudice in rural Georgia ." (2001): n. pag. Web. 1 Mar 2010.
Zolten, Kristen, and Nicholas Long. "DEALING WITH PEER PRESSURE AND BAD COMPANIONS." Center for effective Parenting. 1997. Web. 1 Mar 2010.
i was a little surprised when i came across this site. i do not exactly know why but it includes research and lists and a bunch of different subtitles. Focusing on peer pressure, friends, and parents this article is concerned with things to avoid in school. it talks about how people handle themselves in certain situations.
Although it does not include any person material, this website would be very easy to relate information too. so i am defiantly going to revisit it. and maybe anyone else looking for the above things i recommend this site.
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