Friday, June 4, 2010


Four babies, all over the world, all raised differently: Namibia, Japan, Mongolia and San Francisco. All very different place with different technique of raising children. There is No one-way of raising a children that is better than the other in my opinion. I felt like these families used the resources they had provided around them. In the end all the babies learned generally the same things, just in different ways. Like learning how to crawl then walk and then run.

In all four places around the world there were many important people raising the babies. The families in Namibia and Mongolia both had other child in the picture. Many other children, so they were all able to learn from each other. They also lived in a more remote area that provided them with less resources compared to the resources in cities. The families living in the cities of San Francisco and Japan were provided with technologic advances. Both parents, without any other children or experience. But to make up for that they took their babies to "learning classes." This allowed their children to experience and learn from other babies. Both methods teach the children how to be social and interact with other people. it seems to me the babies growing up in the cities are taught in these classes, with guidance every step of the way. Whereas in the more remote places, the babies grow up with more independence where they are forced to adapt and learn from experience. Although all four babies did well to learn and adapt according to the world around them.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Your the Man EC

What I don’t understand is why most people don’t care until it has happened to them. Why does it take something bad to happen to someone in order for a person to take action? This performance showed different perspectives and situations of domestic violence cases. It showed everyone can find a way to relate his or her life to the issue of domestic violence. Weather they suffer from it themselves, or they have seen it happen or know a friend who is involved. It happens. And it happens to often.

The performance showed that domestic violence could be formed through many different circumstances. like longtime commitment with a boyfriend, or pure pressure from friends. Various times we allow domestic violence will out even really knowing it. Formed simply through peer pressure or acts of rebellion.

Being men or women, teenagers or adults. Studies show that dating violence between men and women are about the same. Men are abused just as much as women are. This studies only goes to show the cases of domestic violence that was reported. And thinking about all the unreported cases, who really knows for sure. studies say that Ever 1 out of 10 teens experience physical violence during a dating relationship.

But why stay quiet about it? Then again why bother telling? People stay in abusive relationships for a number of different reasons. Most of the time they are scared what could happen if they leave. Often times the person does not realize they are in a abusive relationship. They like having another person by their side because they themselves have a low self-confidence. In the story about the character Jana, she was in a abusive relationship. She convinced herself everything was fine, but It was not hard for her friend to notice that what was going on was not fine. He tried multiple times to get her attention and talk about the dangerous about what was going on. She did not want to hear it. Jana wanted to believe her boyfriend was there for her, so she told her friend things like “he didn’t mean it” or “that’s his way of showing he cares” or “he really does love me.” And that is no excuse.

Well… A man in a abusive relationship might just kept quiet. He might never want to admit a girl was beating on him. It would take away his image of being a “man” being tough, being dominate. So it seems easier to be a woman seeking help. And so the question came up: is it easier being a man or a woman? But Men and women both have stereotypes. There is a general idea of how they are supposed to be. In the story Stan the man he was peer pressure by his friends and took advantage of a girl. With all the stereotypes and pressures he felt the need to "get with the girl" you know "be the man." He did whatever it took. when the girl did not want to be sexually with him, well he persuaded and caught it all on film to show the rest of his friends. not cool. he did not think about the girls feelings. everyone else know it was wrong but NOONE said anything. well they were all apart of it too because they witnessed it. this type of situation seems relevant to teen today. it happens in similar cases all the time.

Have the time people are oblivious they probably do not even see the problem right in front of them. How can we get the word out and offer help? well There is just no simple fix. the only thing you can do is Be in control of yourself. be able to know your own limitations. the main message from this performance was to use your voice. speak up if you feel yourself in a abusive relationship. talk about it with a friend who you know is involved in a case of domestic violence. Friends always tell their friends first. So maybe your the only one who can help.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Parent within the family

Being a parent has been described to me in so many different ways. I hear it is the greatest but the hardest job in the world. Good and bad things all go with being a parent, just like anything else.

Every parent wants a "happy" child. Maybe thats just simply giving in to the screams and cries for dessert or toy lets say, Which I have seen first hand so many times. Although my grandma would never just give in, a primary Guiding principle of discipline for her is to "be firm kindness with complete consistency about the limits and expectations. I do not believe that parents have to be your best friend." This was a guiding technique that my father carried out when raising me. I could never cry in order to get my way. If I cried I was told to go into the other room. This method I have to say worked to some extend. I never wanted to sit in a room alone, so I didn’t cry.

I mean children take up time, effort, and money. They are a HUGE part of any parent’s life. They have a great deal of power in the relationship. But what is it actually like being a parent? Well I don’t know. My grandma, the mother of four says, "It is all -consuming and lasts your whole lifetime. You do have to recognize that your time and energy are no longer all about you." I think a hard part of parenting for some people is to accept it is not all about them. People (some not all) are so concerned with their needs that the child comes second. I think to be a good parent you need to realize that you’re caring for another human being, starting from the point of being pregnant.

A children can has the power, well to ‘make you or break you’, Phy (my step grandma who plays a big role in my life) says "When your child is angry at the world, hurt by a best friend, furious with a sibling, bullying a younger sib, challenging your authority, doing something(s) that you fear could harm her (irreparably)... it is the most frightening and terrible burden imaginable." Even though I am 17 years old, and consider myself grown up my parents still find a way to worry. As a parent it becomes a natural instinct to be protective over your offspring. It seems like the times when a parent has little or no control over the outcome of their children's actions that is the scariest part. Through every stage of growing up there are new things to worry about.

So... what makes it all worth it? Phy goes on to say that there is nothing better "When your child reaches up and takes your hand, and gives you a hug, and tells you she loves you." it’s the fact of knowing that your appreciated. Knowing that you have helped someone. Knowing that you have made a difference in someone else’s life. It is Loving and being loved. It sounds all cheesy I get it. But when my brother wants me when he cries because he calls me his “best friend” well it makes me want to melt.

This goes without saying but I think a child should know that you love them. And you will always love them, but you might not always love their behavior or agree with what they are doing. My grandma says parenting goes with “Positive reinforcement; set responsibilities with consistent rewards and consequence; allowing choices where possible and appropriate.” With my sister and me she always reward good behavior and would always settle bad behavior. Either way would always end in “but I still love you.” My grandma just like my mom will tell us if we have done something right. In a case like, " I like the way you were quiet while I was on the phone." My mom though raise me sister and me with accomplishment of metal development. We would roam and do our own thing. Which yes often times got us into trouble. When I was little I was curious about the cereal boxes, I am not quiet sure what I was doing but ended up emptying the whole thing out on the floor. Her and my dad agreed it was a good way for me to experience and learn through my curiosity. The same way my mom lets my brother play with dirt. I guess to me the job of a parent is to do their best at creating a warm and safe environment, to let the child develop as best they can.

****I Apologize for it all being combined together. All this said and done with my own experiences as a sister and interviews from my grandparents and mother****

Monday, May 17, 2010


Our parents; our mothers and fathers. we all have them weather we like them or not. weather we know them or not. they exist. Parents are expected to take care of their children. kids should be looked after. parents are our friends until we do not need them any more. they give us the things we need until we learn to get them ourselves. like a lioness fending for her cub. passes and the child is expected to take care of the parent.

"all parents damage their children. like pristine glass that takes the prints of its handlers. some parents crack, like other shatter a childhood into jagged little pieces beyond repair. " five people you meet in heaven

Now maybe it is just me but i have noticed the first born child tends to be the most emotional, more dependent, and just more sensitive in general. As the first born i can relate. I do think there i anything wrong with it, but i think there is a reason for it. As he first born our parents babied us, every step of the way. we were the center of their world. which causes us to be the way we are.

One thing i really remember and liked from the way i was raised to the support my parents gave me. As cheesy as it sounds its true. from the time i was little my mom and my dad always supported me. as my interests, hobbies changed they changed right along side me. From the collection of pokemon cards to every single baseball card out there. The stage of groovy girls and barbie to american girl dolls. it was not just the support this made me feel like i could be anything i wanted to be.

I think parenting comes natural to us. It is a humans nature to have the skills to care for another human being. if we understand our needs as people than it should not be to hard to figure out another humans needs as well. Its funny how the parenting changes after the first child. When expecting a child parents seem to always feel the need to read parenting books. like it is going to give them the answers to rising the perfect kid. They read them over and over again fact after fact. Follow the guidelines, the how to's, the dos and the dont's. They very carefully create the 'best' way to rise their perisuous offspring. We are talking about a method where parents feel the need to follow their child's every step, ready to catch them if they fall. And a diaper change takes place every hour or so, even when completely unnecessary. more or less, all parents are super attentive to their first born. when the second one comes around, well been there done that. the once holy books start collecting dust somewhere on a shelf maybe. While the original how tos and guidelines barley exist. because .... the original 1 hour diaper change turns into a only necessary one when the diaper is hanging at the knees. i am not making this up. interesting enough, i have seen it all happen. From brother number 1 to brother number 4.

The feber method is the method my mom tried to use on my brothers. days when she found it impossible to put them to sleep her self, she would result in using this method. after a while it was me or my sister who gave in. we could not ever stand to listen to the screaming and the yelling sound just begging to be held for to long. It is a method technique to get infants to sleep. it allows the child to "self- soothe" which is what people including my mother like to say about it. one may argue that this method is almost giving up. it puts a huge amount of anxiety on the child. i mean could even leave them with the feeling of abandonment. on the other hand, the child can figure things out their self by yes "self soothing" to get more to the point of dependance. me? i do not really like this method. i the reasons being because i just do not think a child should be left alone to work things out themselves. i all seems a little bit mean to me. from my personal experience i just do not like doing it. maybe thats not a good reason but thats the way i feel about it all. agree to disagree

Saturday, May 15, 2010

  • What do you like best about your friend(s)?
  • What are some ways your best friend has influenced you? or a decision you had to make?
  • how are you a good friend?
  • What qualities help you to have good relationships with others?
  • What are your friends for?
  • Janet Pouchot
I asked my mother, Janet these questions. She was very open and comfortable talking about it. And questions led to a discussion. I recognize that her group of friends changes all the time. It evolves according to her environment. Her friends often come from her job. Most of her friends consist of my brother’s parents. It used to be my friends parents, but tat has changes since my brother came into the picture. She says the thing she likes most about friends is that she can talk to them, she tries to surround herself with people who are "Easy going, accepting, not judgmental of other people, and have a Good sense of humor." Every friend she has had managed to influence her thoughts, views and opinions. Which help her decisions with "confidence and clarity."
  • Hadley
I started interviewing my sister. She was not much help. During our short conversation she was clearly distracted and unwilling to participate. So I asked her what was wrong, not thinking it would lead to a whole story, however it did. it just so happened to be drama between her and her friends. Which just so happens to be perfect for my topic. (Selfish of me I know, but do not worry I listened and did the best I could to give her some big sisterly advice, and I did ASK if I could post this) So here is the story without any other names: Hadleys "best friend", who she says the person she is closest to out of all her friends, did something that broke their trust. "As a best friend I tell her things and she tell me things and you just do not tell those things to other people!" Hadley expects her friends to be loyal, trustworthy and honest with her. When they are not then it is disappointing. Although Hadleys says she still wants to be a good friend. Therefore she will consider taking my advice and understanding the situation and forgiving her friend.
  • Amber
Since i did not actually see amber anytime around when i made these question, i had to sent them to her. Which yes is a better way to get direct quotes, although do not get to have an
actual conversation. So you never know how they feel about the topic or how comfortable they are talking about it. No verbal communication, no facial expressions. So as much as i would rather do it in person this will just have to do :
What do you like best about your friend(s)?
There are many things that I like about my friends. But if I had to choose, I would say I like how they are understanding. No matter what the situation is, they are always there for me and give me the advice I need. My friends are the people I go to when I can't discuss a certain situation with my family. Since most of my friends are in the same age group as me, they are usually going through the same situations as I am, and this is how we are all able to help each other out.

how are you a good friend?
I am a good friend in many ways. I am always there when my friends are in need and I give them the advice they need. I am the one who lets them know if what they are doing is right or wrong. I give them a reality check when they need it, and always let them keep in mind that I am there for them.

What are some ways your best friend has influenced you? or a decision you had to make?
There are many ways my friends influence me. I usually become friends with people I can relate with the most, and there are many times my friend and I would be going through the same situation together. So we help each other out in making the right decision for our certain situation.

I noticed from conducting these interviews that just like there are many types of relationships there are many types of friendships. Some more serious than other, some that last and some that dont. I thought it was interesting how a friendship can be primary based off of a certain situation. a friendship that just changes accordingly to the persons environment. They are people who just dont stay in our lives for a long period of time. They are the friends who are friends just there in that moment. Maybe there just to occupied time or accompany with their presence. So i realized many people have friendships like that , just a group of temporary friends. On the other hand a friendship can be who are people just like us. A little exclusive group of people who has similarities and share a range of interests, like in Ambers case. They are the people we expect always to be able to go back to. We believe that they are here for us no matter what. As people we like that feeling of support provided by these friends. no matter what type of friendship, people and myself included assume a friend to be trustworthy, honest, understanding, accepting. The fact is, friends play a pretty big part of our lives.

IV. Write a very careful and precise SINGLE survey question that can be added to the second collective student survey.

Monday, May 10, 2010

1, 2, and 3 FRIENDS

I. What is the criteria of becoming a good friend?

II. Triangle Partner comments:
i love the poem you decided to include in this post. you question is good, although is seems very vague. i began to get a better understanding of it after i read the information you posted at the bottom along with the poem. you should consider maybe just rewording the question, to make it more clear your talking about the bond between two friends. make it more clear about the excepted feelings to come out of a friendship.
something like that. i hope this was helpful. i look forward to seeing what you come up with=

EVAN, good question. i like the idea of Matthews comment. i like that this question deals with two types of time periods, of the teenage and adulthood. if you want to go deeper and more specific you might want to consider narrowing it down to positive or negative effects. how much of an impact do parents have? this sounds good and i will be interested to see what you come up with :) ARDEN

III. Based on the awesome feedback i got (thank you!!!) i revised my question to some thing more along the lines of: What are commonalities of a good friend in the different types of friendship relationships? What are the primary qualities between good friends?

"Zodiac Compatibility: the 12 signs." Horoscope. N.p., 2010. Web. 12 May 2010.

Certain horoscope types are said to be more compatible with others. Each Zodiac sign is a person that inquires certain traits. Based on a a persons zodiac sign it is easy to figure out their characteristics and how well two people are get along together. the whole idea of atromomy is thr configuratiosn of the stars in the sky. based on the configurations of the stars or the astrological influence make people become friends? it all has to do with energy. it does seem to be true that people are drawn to others with a positive energy. Which makes me wonder what traits help develop the relationship and this traits resist it?

Stevenson, Jessica. "How To Find True Friends."About: teen advice n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010.

Friendships are not easy to find, they require great amounts of time and effort. more or less we all have a similar definition of what a good friend is and what we expect of them. Jessica Stevenson writes about just that, all the rules and qualities a good friend should have. Majority of people all over the world would probably agree with the list of statements she makes in this article. all the qualities of being honest, loyal and accepting you for who you are. although it is all mostly cliché and receptive, i believe that some of it is true and that people are looking for the ideal friend. the friend who follows these guidelines, although they may not exist.

"How to Make Friends And Get a Social Life." Succeed Socially 2010: n. pag. Web. 13 May 2010. .

Friends are a crucial part of our lives. we all need to have friends. Surprisingly, making friends is not a easy thing to do. it is an automatic fail if you just approach someone and ask to be there friend. and trust me it has happened. "It may take a while before you get a chance to meet some people you're compatible with." in this article it explains how to ease into a friendship with someone. it covers some parts of how to tell a good friend from a bad one. but what does that mean?
"Friendship - Influence Of Friends On One Another ."Encyclopedias. N.p., 2010. Web. 13 May 2010.

we may spend more time with our friends than we do with our families. In most cases they are the ones who know us the best. although "friends" are always said to have our backs they are not necessarily the best influence on us. this article describes the effects friends can have on other friends. once a person spends enough time around someone else they start to conform to each-other. there is not way to prevent it. it always expresses points where a person views of their friends change. growing up changes our defination and outlook on friendship, "As children grow older, their conception of friendship may change."

Myers-Briggs survey

ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others.
Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population.

i am a little bummed because i did not save my percentages. i have my assigned type, but i much more curious about the percentages my answer equalled out to be. i do remember getting the percent that i am in the group of 8.1%. and i thought to myself maybe i was unique because i was in the group where majority of the people were not. although that was not the case, turns out I am not so special because os many other people where right along side with me. and people who i would never expect to really share those similar qualities as me. turns out we have more in common than i thought? when taking this survey i was thinking about what i personally thought and then thought about what other thought too. so i will admit that i did ask a couple people what they thought, which helped me make up my mind when answering the questions. so the test was right that i need affirmation from other people, and that is one of the things that helps me make choices. honestly, i agree with most of the results i got. and i do think we all are a little bite of everything, but thats almost why i am so curious about seeing my percentages. i do feel like most days i am confident, and outgoing. people often tell me i like to dream more than focus mainly on the reality of a situation. i like it better like that though. I am influenced by my emotions, often to much at times.

Since we all have a little bit of every quality i would say it is not impossible for people to simply be friends. yes, people's personalities clash. they clash all the time but that inevitable. and isn't it said that "opposites attract?" maybe I am not making sense so let me use a personal example...where my friend and I came out with results that are completely opposite from each-other. expect we are friends. we have been friends for a while. out of most of my friends we are the ones who seem to clash the least. we hardly and very very rarely run into problems. we may not always agree, but we just know how to accept that. being opposites comes with some advantages. because we always chose to do things differently. Together we learn the other persons point of view, different methods or ways of approaching a situation. it is helpful and it works.