Monday, May 17, 2010


Our parents; our mothers and fathers. we all have them weather we like them or not. weather we know them or not. they exist. Parents are expected to take care of their children. kids should be looked after. parents are our friends until we do not need them any more. they give us the things we need until we learn to get them ourselves. like a lioness fending for her cub. passes and the child is expected to take care of the parent.

"all parents damage their children. like pristine glass that takes the prints of its handlers. some parents crack, like other shatter a childhood into jagged little pieces beyond repair. " five people you meet in heaven

Now maybe it is just me but i have noticed the first born child tends to be the most emotional, more dependent, and just more sensitive in general. As the first born i can relate. I do think there i anything wrong with it, but i think there is a reason for it. As he first born our parents babied us, every step of the way. we were the center of their world. which causes us to be the way we are.

One thing i really remember and liked from the way i was raised to the support my parents gave me. As cheesy as it sounds its true. from the time i was little my mom and my dad always supported me. as my interests, hobbies changed they changed right along side me. From the collection of pokemon cards to every single baseball card out there. The stage of groovy girls and barbie to american girl dolls. it was not just the support this made me feel like i could be anything i wanted to be.

I think parenting comes natural to us. It is a humans nature to have the skills to care for another human being. if we understand our needs as people than it should not be to hard to figure out another humans needs as well. Its funny how the parenting changes after the first child. When expecting a child parents seem to always feel the need to read parenting books. like it is going to give them the answers to rising the perfect kid. They read them over and over again fact after fact. Follow the guidelines, the how to's, the dos and the dont's. They very carefully create the 'best' way to rise their perisuous offspring. We are talking about a method where parents feel the need to follow their child's every step, ready to catch them if they fall. And a diaper change takes place every hour or so, even when completely unnecessary. more or less, all parents are super attentive to their first born. when the second one comes around, well been there done that. the once holy books start collecting dust somewhere on a shelf maybe. While the original how tos and guidelines barley exist. because .... the original 1 hour diaper change turns into a only necessary one when the diaper is hanging at the knees. i am not making this up. interesting enough, i have seen it all happen. From brother number 1 to brother number 4.

The feber method is the method my mom tried to use on my brothers. days when she found it impossible to put them to sleep her self, she would result in using this method. after a while it was me or my sister who gave in. we could not ever stand to listen to the screaming and the yelling sound just begging to be held for to long. It is a method technique to get infants to sleep. it allows the child to "self- soothe" which is what people including my mother like to say about it. one may argue that this method is almost giving up. it puts a huge amount of anxiety on the child. i mean could even leave them with the feeling of abandonment. on the other hand, the child can figure things out their self by yes "self soothing" to get more to the point of dependance. me? i do not really like this method. i the reasons being because i just do not think a child should be left alone to work things out themselves. i all seems a little bit mean to me. from my personal experience i just do not like doing it. maybe thats not a good reason but thats the way i feel about it all. agree to disagree

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