Monday, September 14, 2009

HW3 electronic world

Its hard to imagine todays world without any technology.  so many rely on technology in their daily lives. i admit i am one of them. people depend on electronics on a daily basis. they depend on the internet as a way to get any information. cellphones are used anywhere and at anytime. making people never truly alone, and always having some form of contact. 

the constant use of technology  leads people to become less physically active. we are always looking for ways to make it easier  and more time efficient on ourselves. i know that happens to me. instead of going outside to play baseball you can just pick up a wii. 

people spend a massive amount of time using electronics. it is used as a way to communicate.  i depend on technology everyday in order to communicate with people. this blog for instance. it is more comfortable to express feelings to something that wont have a reaction. writing to a computer instead of talking to a person directly is what people find helpful. 


  1. Hello Arden :]

    I love your post, it got me thinking when you said you couldn't imagine the world without technology, because without the technology that we have now i doubt the world would be where its at now, full of new architecture and making life easier for us kids.

    I understand that in your blog your saying that us people rely on technology so much that we ignore the real world around us which makes us less active.

    I've seen people a lot using technology a lot like if you pass by a business area like near ground zero or the empire state building you see a lot of people using their cellphones a lot. And people in starbucks using their laptops and even people on the plane. So people use technology a lot which distracts us from going outside and hanging out with friends.

    You can expand more on why you think people become oblivious to the real world and how technology distracts us from hanging outside with our friends, and having a social life outside of the tech world.

    I can kinda connect this to me because I'm on my computer more than i am outside, but in the other hand i go outside and ride my bike and go to the gym. But it is true that technology does distract us from the real world.

    Other than that i think your post was good and made me think more. Great post can't wait to see what's your next post about. =]

  2. why hello Arden,

    I find it quite interesting how you admit yourself that you are a media user but at the same time you provide a strong argument on how dependent our generation is on technology. Your example of how we just use wii or other gaming systems as aoutlet to occupy our time instead of going outside and being productive. I understand how dependent we are technology but at the same time what would we be without it? I feel like we are so deeply involved in it and so dependent on it that we would not be able to survive without them. It was not that long ago that people did not even use cellphones. Today I could not imagine people surviving without cellphones because we are always communicating with them. Writing letters on paper seem like dead technology when it was only a few years that it was considered a primary source of communication.
    This definitely connects to my personal life because i am quite dependent on computers and cell phones. I am not a heavy video game player but i enjoy playing once in a while. In conclusion it definitely eats up a lot of my time that could be used on more productive beneficial activities.

  3. Richie....

    i apprectiate the depth you went into, by describing the point you thought i was trying to make. you got it! i feel you really understood what i was saying.

    i am glad you took the time to read and understand my writing. the way you connected by ideas to examples you have seen in your life was helpful. it expanded my thinking on the idea that people use techology everywhere.

    i relized my witing covers a lot of vague ideas, only talking about the overall concept. my thoughts relate directly to the people who use technology anywhere, any time, all the time. you add on real life examples. of people who sit in starbucks and loss track of the number of the drinks consume while at their computer. people who have their ipod so loud everyone can hear it. or like me the people who get so wrapped up in a conversation on their phone forget when their crossing the street. why is it so important?

    While you make the point of people losing attention from the outside world. i am more focused on the amount of time we spend using technology. the times we do not depend on it and the rare times we do not have it at all.

    from combining both our thoughts and ideas. we both out that digital-representational-devices are a desecration. and wonder how else we could be spending our time?


  4. Max,

    I find your comment very interesting too. I like how u can find a relationship between with what I was saying.

    Thanks for adding your ideas to my post. i liked how your ideas just flowed into in one big paragraph. It was easy to read and related directly to my post.

    After you asked, “what would we be without it?” I started thinking about how different our lifestyles would be without the constant use of technology. If it never existed I guess we wouldn’t know what we’re missing. Now that we are so used to having technology to complete our simple tasks it would be to challenging without it.

    We can both assume that we are wrapped up in the digital world. While we could be doing other more productive things like living we chose to use our digital devices.

    What will all this technology led to? Are we totally corrupt in the digital world? Can we use technology in a better more beneficial way? Is there a good balance? Is there anything we can do? Can we change? I don’t know
