Monday, November 16, 2009


  1. Wow wow wubbzy was on tonight. And for those who missed it, a crazy consentience the episode was about Mr. Cool. They sang a song and everything. A part I caught from it they sang,

    No need to be something you’re not

    Or to get what you haven’t got

    Don’t tie yourself up in a knot

    Because you are the coolest

    And this was the message going into the minds of little children. Although it was cheesy, the song was cute and I agreed with most of it. However it is not exactly the most accurate. This is more like a sugar-coated version of how things really are.

    Cool has its own definition to everyone. Everyone has there own ideas as to what is cool and what is acceptable. We all share a similar definition of cool. Most people say just be yourself to be cool. Meaning be real, which is as opposed to being fake? And it sucks because most of the time they dont really believe that, really they’re judging you in a completely different way.

    A basic aspect of being “cool” is not caring what people think about you. So just give up. Don’t give a shit about other people and your cool. I think it should be don’t car SO MUCH about what others think of you. We will always, on some level, be concerned with what others think of us. Although you will never be able to please everyone. Being social you have to learn how to deal with people, and accept other people. I think a cool person is not thriving to be cool. They are confident with themselves and not trying to hard to impress other people by meeting expectations. And if they were, it comes off as fake. Someone who says things just to say them. Someone who will tell you the things you want to hear.

    Defining cool seems like a pretty easy thing to do. Its all a lot more complicated than it seems but lets all keep our cool.

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