Monday, November 9, 2009


Introduction: We are never truly alone. There is no escape because its everywhere around us, having an effect on everyone. Digitalization has taken over an enormous part of our lives. We are obsessed with making our lives easier, so we dependent on these devices, often times carrying them with us wherever we go. Many never leave their house without a digital device, because it makes them feel lost. In fact, studies say 70% of 15-24 year-olds say they 'could not live' without their mobile phone. (Richtel ) why do we insist on having these devices with us at all times? What makes them so hard to live without? Do they make us happy? Many do not realize the negative impacts that the things we love so dearly have on our lives. Digital representational devices lessen our ability to think for ourselves. This widens the intimacy gap between people. They also continuously place our health at risk. Many argue that mobile phones make them more productive, but yet our economy is still suffering.

People barriers: These digital representational devices distract us from the real world and make us less focused. Students find themselves checking face book updates when they should be completing their homework. These students feel they might be missing an important update. Digital devices limit what we see in the world around us. In the Disney movie Wall-E, our world is shown in the future. Civilization lives on a spaceship after abandoning our trash covered world. Every body is equipped with an electronic chair. They have grown so obese that they can no longer walk. Their chair comes with all the features and is constantly updating them. They chat with each other over screens, and always follow the new updates. Everything they need is at the touch of a button. During one part of this movie, a woman is disconnected from her chair, and does not realize it immediately, and soon she comes to interact with the world around her. She become unaware of the unpleasant situation they are living in. Currently most people are unaware of the damages caused by these devices. They are oblivious to the effects now and the ramifications for the future. We are easily distracted, never giving our full attention to one topic in the present moment. We do not acknowledge most things around us, due to these distractions.

There is less face-to-face communication, and so interpersonal skills are lost. People find there is a widening gap in the ability to understanding each other. We may show more emotion to an object that has no feelings, than to another person. Talking over digital devices is easier than facing another person and becomes similar to sitting at your computer reading a conversation. However, reading a person’s body language can be just as important to what they are saying, and so, there is a loss of physically connection and understand between people. A vast majority of people have used video chat before, or at least know what it is. Vidoe chat requires a person to stare at a lit screen to see and hear another person. There are huge difference with human interaction and interaction with another person over a computer. The same argument can be made with the phone. One only hears a voice when using a phone, but even then, the sound of their voice is buffered. A man with a blackberry simply says, “I have a black berry, I love my blackberry” an average response from a person. We are wrapped up in the concept of it making everything easier, but most do not realize how much damage these devices are causing.

The English language is forever changed by digitalization. There are examples shown in the way we speak and in current literature. Email and text-messaging has led to shorthand, altered words, and new abbreviations. Most of us have seen LOL (laugh out loud) and also FYI (for your information). Emotion and feeling are often expressed by all CAPS. This emphasizes its importance; like what is said is being shouted. Symbols can also be used to help us express our feelings, especially in texting, because of the small screen and limited length capacity. Inevitably when texting, the shorter the better. Due to these new conventions, we speak to each other differently too. Like ayo whats good? Or mad tight. Where those words are unlined in red and do not fit the spell-check requirements, because those words do not make sense. Half the time we’re making up new words. (Richtel) M.T. Anderson's book Feed portrays the negative effects of technology on teens. The characters are set with computers in their brains known as "feeds", a network that they are always connected too. It allows them to chat with others without having to verbally saying anything, get information, buy things, get downloads, and watch videos. They rely on their feed to complete daily tasks. Many aspects of this book reflect our world today and maybe the future. These characters are equipped to communication through the feed, without any verbal communication. Like our devices that we generally chose never to travel without, that come with Internet, music, videos, and pictures, the feeds is used as a way to communicate with other people without facing them directly. This book is an allegory to prove the idea that to much technology is harmful. Like the characters and our being surrounded by digitalization, we are losing the ability to think for our selves.

Risking health: The constant use of digital devices leads people to become less physically active. We are always looking for ways to make things easier and more time efficient. There are so many things that distract us from simply going outside. The president of the American Council on Exercise (ACE) Germano speaks out “It's important for us to continually teach our kids to lead healthy and active lives they can avoid serious health problems in the future.” (ILOST IT AT THE CLUB!) Often times, instead of going outside to play a sport like baseball, one can stay at home and play a Wii. The only physical activity is the flicking your wrist, it really doesn’t require any skill. The contrast between the actual world and a reflection of the world in a game are two separate different things. Playing a sport movement of your body which develops coordination. Being a part of a team forces a person to interact with other people and work together to combine a strategy with the common goal of winning. In a video game, there is just a simulation of reality and no interaction with other people. The objective of such games is to finish first or to beat your own high score. Most players attach themselves to these ideas. They connect to that idea of reality. They become so caught up in their own world that they close off from the real world. The continuous use of digitization devices becomes addictive to the point where we adapt to that lifestyle. It is a distraction that keeps us from going outside and staying physically active. Digitalization is putting our health at risk for serious downfall.

The study of Cell phone radiations potentially endangers our health. An immense number of people use cell phones. It may turn out that this device is not as great as we may have thought. Like eating too much mercury in Tuna, our cell phones could be hurting us without us knowing it. Current studies indicate that radiofrequency given off by our cell phones may cause tumors in certain nerves. Using your phone one allows your brain to absorbs radio waves. These waves have the potential to damage your memory, your ability to concentrate, and your sleep. So you might want to rethink talking to that friend miles away for hours on your cell phone. (Mobile phone radiation and health) Dr. Cherry expresses “The risk is extremely high” he goes on to say “There are epidemiological studies showing that electromagnetic radiation across the spectrum increase brain tumors in human populations. Those studies are for particular brain tumors from cell phones.” considering the amount of time most spend on their phone our health is at a harmful risk.

The Internet is a necessity to our way of life, and is making people lazy. It has become the standard way of communication. It is used to buy clothes, even can be used to buy or order food. You can use the Internet to find just about everything and anything you can think of. This gives people less of a reason to go out and get it themselves. Most products have been replaced and are now accessible through the computer. There is no need for tapes or compacts discs, because there is a million websites you can choice from to find what you want. In a recent article titled ‘The Negative Effects Of Technology In Our World’ states about the significant impact of the digital world on newspapers, “There was a point in time when people were glad to pay a couple of bucks a week to have the weekly or daily paper delivered to their very own door. Now the Internet allows the news to be just a few keystrokes away and so newspaper companies and other publications have suffered tremendously.” (Corkern) people are taking the time to put things online making it easier for everyone else to view large quantities of information. Therefore, less document literature being produced and fewer products are being manufactured. People are lazy, and are dependant on the Internet for major aspects in life.

On the other hand, people always adapt to find ways to stay in touch. We have been doing it all throughout history, way back to smoke signals. Today all these new and old digital devices have been helpful. It is our simply way to constantly being update, you are always connected. No matter where one may be, there is a way to get in touch with them. It is useful to have instant access to communicate with family, friends who are miles away. Not only with our phones but also with the Internet or TV we are giving the ability to become more globally aware. We have such an easy way to information. Staying updated and Knowing current events around the world allows the influence of other cultures. Digitalization allows different cultures, religions and people to come together.

“In a few years' time, don't be surprised to hear of new technologies taking the world by storm.” (Corkern) It is taking control of our lives. We are suffering as a result! We are too dependent on digital devices. We have access to the things we want without ever leaving the house. As a case in point, my phone is only inches away when writing this paper. My mind has been wandering when it might sound, so I can look at an exciting new update. Even after all that was mention in this paper about the negative consequences of using these devices, I still chose to use them constantly, as does the general public. Soon we could start to see the problems that may lead us to disaster. It is possible to reach a point where we cannot undo what it has done. Fortunately, the solution could be simple; find a reasonable balance.


Cohen, Daniel J., and Roy Rosenzweig. Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005. Print.

"Online Predators." Family Safe Computers. 2009. Web. 3 Nov2009. .

"Online." 2009. Web. 3 Nov 2009. .

Richtel, Matt. "Are cellphones killing Literature?." Upfront Sep. 2009: 23-24. Print.

Corkern, Aydan. "The Negative Effects Of Technology In Our World." articlesnatch. 2009. Web. 5 Nov 2009. .

"Mobile phone radiation and health." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 4 Nov 2009, 14:48 UTC. 6 Nov 2009 .

"What are the health risks associated with mobile phones and their base stations?." World health Organization. 2 December 2005. WHO, Web. 5 Nov 2009. .

"High technology leads to low physical activity, contributes to obesity." ILOST IT AT THE CLUB! 2. (2009): 2-4. Web. 3 Nov 2009. .

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