Sunday, November 1, 2009


I. Introduction

a. Thesis: Digitalization holds a huge influence on us, in average takes away from our lives and is more dangerous than helpful.  

b. Affects everyone one way or another

II. The negative impacts of digital representational devices.

  1. Creates Barriers between people
    1. There is increasingly Less face to face communication
    2. Social interaction skills due to cell phones interrupting conversation with some one in their presence
    3. Teens are put at risk to bullies and sexual predators on social networks
  2. Has serious risks on our Health
    1. Limits our daily physical activity
    2. Cell phone  radiations that can be potentially harmful
  3. Trouble in the economy
    1. Downfall in Newspapers
    2. Music in digital formats, mainly the mp3, there is no longer a need for compact discs.
    3. Less manufactured goods.
    4. Negative effects on our English language

1. Development of writing skills does to text messaging

III. Alternatives

1. Are helpful to people every day lives

a. But cause them to loss certain skills

There needs to be a balance, take caution so that we don't become slaves (meaning obsessed with, not actual slaves) to our own creations.

IV. Conclusion

1. Sum it up

2. Possibilities of our future

3. Actions we can take


  1. Hey Arden i really like your outline it makes a lot of sense so far so good. I like how your going to tackle a lot of stuff in this one paper. The main points that you will be covering seem interesting to read. Anyways the outline of your paper gave me a few ideas of things i should possibly fix or most likely cover since were kind of talking about the same things in our paper. Overall good outline and im willing to read it when its complete.
    Good Day =D

  2. Thanks for the comment Richie! i feel more confident with my outline knowing that it makes sense to someone else too. Do you have any ideas on what i should improve to what needs to be fixed?

  3. Hey Arden i really like your outline it makes a lot of sense so far so good. I like how your going to tackle a lot of stuff in this one paper. The main points that you will be covering seem interesting to read. Anyways the outline of your paper gave me a few ideas of things i should possibly fix or most likely cover since were kind of talking about the same things in our paper. When you write this paper you should go deeper into like how the digital deviced possibly changed through history and how it is now, and include evidence also that backs up what your trying to argue or whatnot. And also for the health risk paragraph explain how its such a major risk and how it hurts us, and also have good evidence because some people may argue how its not bad or whatnot, and it will be an on and off arguement. Sorry for the other bad comment that i posted before i noticed how it wasnt as helpful. So here is my new comment i hope this one is better :]! Overall good outline and im willing to read it when its complete.

  4. Hey Arden, I think your outline is a very good start to your essay and will make it more simple to structure your essay in an organizing way. Your thesis is short, which is not necessarily bad because in this case it goes right to the point of what you are trying to tell us. Trouble in the economy, your 3rd and final argument is most appealing to me. I look forward to seeing the rough draft of your essay and how your carried out your three arguments.

    Good luck writing your essay!
